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Owen Jones

DOB: 11/09/1995

Based in Sydney, Australia


Audio has been a big part of my personality from a young age. Growing up playing drums in school bands and with friends, I realised that music has been and will always be a massive part of my life. Studying at SAE Creative Media Institute in Sydney has been an opportunity to learn audio engineering as well as hone in on what I love the most: post-production sound.


During my time at SAE, I collaborated with a number of audio, film and animation students across separate campuses and trimesters. I took advantage of this time to build a portfolio of work for myself regarding not only foley and FX recording and mixing, but also music composition for picture. 



Taking influence from the likes of Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, Michael Stein and The Haxan Cloak, I incorporate my love for computers and technology into all of my compositions by utilising my outboard synthesisers (Moog Voyager and Korg Minilogue) with digital creative tools within Ableton Live and Pro Tools.


Please visit my 'Visual' and 'Audio' pages to analyse my portfolio of finished products, drafts and solo ideas.

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